Adding or deleting a disk drive

You can add disks representing your computers to a build template, for example a hard disk with a 250GB drive.

To open the Build Template Properties window

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Computers icon Computers, then expand Picture of the Build icon Build and choose Picture of the Build Templates icon Build Templates.

  2. From the right-hand pane, right-click the build template and from the menu, choose Properties.

To add a disk drive to a build template

  1. Choose the Disk Drives tab. In the Disks section, click the Create button.

  2. Specify the size of the disk and click the OK button.

To delete a disk drive from a build template

  1. Choose the Disk Drives tab. In the Disks section, select the required disk drive and then click the Delete button.

  2. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.


  • If two disks are defined but only one disk is present on the computer being built, the first disk configuration is used, and the second is ignored.

  • You can also open a selected build template's properties by choosing Picture of the Properties button in the toolbar, or from the File menu choosing Properties.

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Add or delete a partition/logical volume